Been Scammed? What Is Unfair Treatment From A Business?
The Australian Consumer Law ( ACL ) offers protections to consumers against sales practices that are illegal for businesses to engage in when dealing with their customers. Here, we cite a few instances of unfair treatment: What are unfair contract terms? The fairness of any contract terms must be viewed objectively. It is said a contract can be seen as unfair if it falls within one of the following categories. Note that the list is not exhaustive, meaning it is not confined to the following only: The terms of the contract cause a significant imbalance between the rights and obligations of the business and the consumer Are the terms purported by the business necessary in order to protect the legitimate interest of the business? Unconscionable conduct Unconscionable conduct from a business occurs one when a business knowingly exploits the consumer’s disadvantage known to the business. The courts over the years have developed ways to examine whether a part...