What Is A Caveat And Do You Need One?
Introduction to Caveats In Queensland title (ownership) in land (including where applicable, improvements – e.g a house) is determined by registration of your interest with the Land Titles Office, headed by the Registrar of Land Titles. Given the importance of registration, if you have an interest in land that for some reason is not registered there is a risk that another person may register their interest before yours with the other person’s interest ranking above or having a higher priority than your interest. In such circumstances we may recommend you consider lodging a “caveat” on the title to that land to protect your interest. The word caveat means ‘beware’ and lodging a caveat warns anyone dealing with the land that someone has a priority interest in that land. However, it is important to understand that a caveat does not provide all of the benefits of registration of your interest and should never be seen as an alternative to registering your interest on the title to...