No Further Stay Waiver Request Is This For Me?
Does your visa have a “No Further Stay” condition attached to it, and if so, what does it actually mean? Below we attempt to clarify this and how it is dealt with: No further stay There are many temporary visa holders in Australia who have got their visa conditioned as “no further stay.” The conditions include 8503, 8534, and 8535. This means unless there are specific circumstances such as protection visa consideration, the holder upon expiry of his/her visa must leave Australia and will not able to apply for another visa. My visa is attached with 8503 conditions, how can I avoid leaving Australia? You can request the Department of Home Affairs to waive the condition attached to your visa but it must fall under either of the following categories; (a) If you are unable to leave Australia due to medical reason; (b) If there is a natural disaster in your home country; (c) If there is a death or serious illness within your close family; (d) There is a war or civil unrest in your home count...